Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique / Boa Prática |
Wood Chips Galicia |
Localización Localisation Localização |
Sigüero, province of La Coruña |
Tipología – Naturaleza Typologie – Nature Tipologia – Natureza |
Logisitics Center |
Periodo de aplicación Période d’application Período de aplicação |
Start up 2014 Investment of €M 1,8M€, JESSICA-F.I.D.A.E. Fund financing, co-financed by ERDF funds and IDAE |
Principales objetivos Principaux objectifs Período de aplicação |
A través de la empresa WOOD CHIPS GALICIA S.L.U. el Grupo García Forestal tiene capacidad para suministrar astilla de madera de alta calidad para fines energéticos. La astilla obtenida de los diferentes aprovechamientos forestales que se llevan a cabo en la región, es sometida a un proceso de cribado, refinado y secado, con el objetivo de alcanzar una cualidades óptimas para su empleo como biocombustible. Generar mayor valor añadido a la madera, a través de su aprovechamiento energético como biomasa para generación térmica. Through the company WOOD CHIPS GALICIA S.L.U. the García Forestal Group has the capacity to supply high quality wood chips for energy purposes. The woodchip obtained from the different forest exploitations that are carried out in the region, is subjected to a screening, refining and drying process, with the objective of achieving optimum qualities for its use as a biofuel. Generate greater added value to wood, through its energy use as biomass for thermal generation. |
Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto |
The plant located in Sigüeiro (Concello de Oroso), which has a forced drying system to reduce the humidity of the splinter, has a production capacity of 40,000 tons / year of woodchip at 25% humidity. From this plant, woodchip is supplied for all of Galicia, both in the residential sector and in the industrial sector, making the distribution through mobile-type trucks of various capacities (from 45 to 90 m3) for gravity unloading or through a truck equipped with pneumatic unloading system, for filling silos in which gravity discharge is possible. Greenalia Woodchips prepares the woodchip according to the specifications of ISO 172254-4, has a production capacity of 35,000 t / year of woodchip quality A1, with a humidity below 25%. The splinter obtained from forest exploitation in Galicia is subjected to a screening, refining and drying process, with the objective of achieving optimum qualities for its use as a biofuel in thermal energy generation processes, whether residential or industrial. From the plant located in Sigüeiro, where wood chips are prepared and dried for energy purposes, woodchip is supplied for all of Galicia. The distribution is carried out through mobile floor type trucks of various capacities (from 45 to 90 m³) for direct unloading to the silo, or through a truck equipped with pneumatic unloading system, for filling silos in which no gravity discharge is possible. |
Agentes involucrados Agents impliqués Agentes envolvidos |
Evaluación de resultados y lecciones aprendidas Évaluation des résultats et les leçons apprises Avaliação de resultados e lições aprendidas |
May 2018 obtained the BIOMASUD solid biofuel certification for quality chips, managed in Spain by the Spanish Biomass Energy Valuation Association, AVEBIOM. The objective of this label, which also recognizes sustainability, is to guarantee the quality of biomass for domestic use in the Mediterranean region according to international (woodchip, ISO 17225-4), national (bone, UNE 164003; and nutshells, UNE 164004). |
Fotografías Photos Fotos |
Solución a los retos territoriales Solution aux défis territoriaux Solução para os desafios territoriais |
Solución a un mayor nº de retos territoriales (a completar más adelante) Solution à un plus grand nombre de défis territoriaux (à compléter plus tard) Solução para um maior número de desafios territoriais (a ser completado depois) |
Información de contacto Information de contact Informação de contato |
CORPORATE OFFICES Greenalia S.A. Plaza de María Pita Nº10 1º (15001) A Coruña. España. T. 902 905 910 administracion@greenalia.es |
Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).