Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique /

Boa Prática




ADELI – Association for a balanced development of the forest in Limousin




Limousin – New Aquitaine – France

Tipología – Naturaleza

Typologie – Nature

Tipologia – Natureza

Exploitation of the resource

Periodo de aplicación

Période d’application

Período de aplicação

Association founded in the 80s with changes since

Principales objetivos

Principaux objectifs

Período de aplicação

Mobilize more wood in private forest by grouping the harvest operations. Develop more silvicultural interventions for better management of private forests.

Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto

Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet

Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto

ADELI is a regional association managed by representatives of forest owners, cooperatives and loggers, as well as wood consumers. The system is based on specific financial assistance negotiated with the region, which aims to encourage the grouping of harvest operations. . To carry out its actions, the ADELi relies on three salaried technicians/facilitators who intervene, both with the owners and the economic operators, to canvass other, closely located forest owners for the regroupings. They help them to define the most appropriate silvicultural interventions and complete the administrative records. Their work specifically targets thinning operations. To benefit from this activity, owners and operators must pay an annual membership fee plus an additional fee for each successfull operation.

Agentes involucrados

Agents impliqués

Agentes envolvidos

ADELI Association,


Forest owners

Professionals (mainly operators)

Región New Aquitaine.

Evaluación de resultados

y lecciones aprendidas

Évaluation des résultats

et les leçons apprises

Avaliação de resultados

e lições aprendidas

On average, about thirty projects have been completed per year.

Operators and owners are satisfied.

They plan to expand the device.






Solución a los retos territoriales

Solution aux défis territoriaux

Solução para os desafios territoriais

Mobilize more wood in private forest despite forest fragmentation. Make wood harvest operations more profitable, and in particular thinning operations, which can generate a lot of wood energy.

Solución a un mayor nº de retos territoriales (a completar más adelante)

Solution à un plus grand nombre de défis territoriaux (à compléter plus tard)

Solução para um maior número de desafios territoriais (a ser completado depois)

Información de contacto

Information de contact

Informação de contato

CRPF Limousin

0033 5 87 50 42 00

Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).