Caldera de Biomasa que suministra calor al entorno de edificios municipales. Ayuntamiento de Ultzama. Larraintzar


Caldera de Biomasa que suministra calor al entorno de edificios municipales. Ayuntamiento de Ultzama. Larraintzar

Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique / Boa Prática


Caldera de Biomasa (con leña de haya local) que suministra calor al entorno de edificios municipales (ayto, escuela, centro de salud, centro cívico y polideportivo, frontón, mancomunidad y piscina de verano)




Ayuntamiento de Ultzama. Larraintzar.

Tipología – Naturaleza

Typologie – Nature

Tipologia – Natureza

Extracción, logística (el ayuntamiento contrata y trabaja con las empresa privada )y demanda

Periodo de aplicación

Période d’application

Período de aplicação

Todo el año se mantiene la caldera encendida con flujo constante de astilla

Principales objetivos

Principaux objectifs

Período de aplicação

Reducir la demanda de combustibles fósiles y utilizar combustibles sostenibles de las cercanías

Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto

Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet

Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto

-Un silo para almacenar astilla (200 Toneladas)

-Una caldera principal de combustión de astillas y una secundaria de pellet para calefacción y ACS

-Se calienta: colegio, Centro Cívico, Centro de Salud, Ayuntamiento, Mancomunidad de Servicios sociales y agua de piscina en temporada.

Se realiza un análisis y estudio técnico-financiero del tipo de astilla y caldera para el entorno residencial urbano en el que se encuentra la instalación. Esto incluye las características de la astilla (granulometría, humedad, finos…) así como las diferentes opciones de la caldera para la instalación. El proyecto de ingeniería trabaja con especial interés los aspectos relativos a la protección contra incendios y seguridad del silo.

Agentes involucrados

Agents impliqués

Agentes envolvidos

Ayto de Ultzama

Evaluación de resultados y lecciones aprendidas

Évaluation des résultats et les leçons apprises

Avaliação de resultados e lições aprendidas

La evaluación del resultado en primer lugar se considera por una gestión sostenible del monte propio, desde la ordenación en coordinacion con el Servicio de Medio Natural del GdN y desde donde una parte (1200tn aprox.) se destina a consumo de la red de calor, el resto se reparte entre lotes de leña y las empresas privadas consiguiendo una mejora importante en la sostenibilidad medioambiental de los recursos propios.





Solución a los retos

Solution aux défis

Solução para os
desafios territoriais

Gestión forestal

Almacenamiento ( hasta no conseguir un 75% no se tritura) Extracción, logística, demanda

Coordinación pública-privada

Solución a un mayor
de retos territoriales
(a completar más

Solution à un plus
grand nombre de défis
territoriaux (à compléter
plus tard)

Solução para um
maior número de
desafios territoriais
(a ser completado depois)


Información de contacto

Information de contact

Informação de contato

Ayuntamiento de Ultzama

948 30 51 15

San Pedro 8, Larraintzar (31797)

Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Red de calor Bera / Berako bero sarea


Red de calor Bera / Berako bero sarea

Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique / Boa Prática
Sustitución de calderas de gasoil de 5 edificios municipales por red de calor con calderas de biomasa




Sustitución de calderas de gasoil por red de calor con biomasa.

Tipología – Naturaleza

Typologie – Nature

Tipologia – Natureza

Sustitución de calderas de gasoil por red de calor con biomasa.

Periodo de aplicación

Période d’application

Período de aplicação

Puesta en marcha en 2014

Principales objetivos

Principaux objectifs

Período de aplicação

Instalación de calderas abastecidas por energías renovables en edificios públicos. Aprovechamiento de la materia prima local como una oportunidad de aprovechamiento sostenible de recursos endógenos forestales.

Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto

Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet

Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto

Se sustituyen 4 calderas de gasoil por red de calor abastecida con 2 calderas de biomasa de 500kw y 250kw respectivamente. Se ha construido una red de calor para suministrar agua caliente a 5 edificios públicos: 3 escuelas, 1 guardería y el polideportivo.

En total la superficie a calefactor es de 8000m2. El consumo de gasoil era de unos 50.000 litros/año.
Se preveía un consumo de astilla de 150 Tn/año con un ahorro de entre 10.000 y 30.000 euros al año según el precio del gasoil.
La central de biomasa tiene suficiente potencia para futuras ampliaciones.

Agentes involucrados

Agents impliqués

Agentes envolvidos

Gobierno de Navarra, Cederna-Garalur y Ayuntamiento de Bera

Evaluación de resultados y lecciones aprendidas

Évaluation des résultats et les leçons apprises

Avaliação de resultados e lições aprendidas

Después de un primer año de ajustes en la instalación el año 2015 se obtuvo un ahorro de 15.000 euros. El resultado es muy positivo. Entre las deficiencias de la instalación se pueden comentar la falta de previsión de ampliaciones, en cuanto al dimensionamiento de las conducciones. Por otro lado, ahora hemos hecho alguna prueba de producción de astilla local y hemos tenido dificultades de logística por la situación del silo y las calderas y el acopio de astilla.




Solución a los retos

Solution aux défis

Solução para os
desafios territoriais

La biomasa es un recurso abundante en Navarra, especialmente en las zonas rurales afectadas por la despoblación. Es necesario ir avanzando en su uso siempre y cuando este uso respete una gestión adecuada de nuestras masas forestales.

Solución a un mayor
de retos territoriales
(a completar más

Solution à un plus
grand nombre de défis
territoriaux (à compléter
plus tard)

Solução para um
maior número de
desafios territoriais
(a ser completado depois)


Información de contacto

Information de contact

Informação de contato

Berako udala / Ayuntamiento de Bera
948 630 005

Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique / Boa Prática









Sarriguren Ecocity (Navarra), municipality located in the Pamplona Region

Tipología – Naturaleza

Typologie – Nature

Tipologia – Natureza

Marketing and demand; study of the use of biomass in urban collective residential area.

Periodo de aplicación

Période d’application

Período de aplicação

Facility implementation in 2019.

Principales objetivos

Principaux objectifs

Período de aplicação

Emissions reduction and green energy production.

Promotion of the use of biomass in urban residential areas.

Pilot Project for the ‘Navarra Social Housing’ plan of the Navarra Government.

Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto

Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet

Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto

Navarra de Suelo y Vivienda, S.A (NASUVINSA), is partner of the Project “REHABILITE Plataforma transnacional de apoyo a la rehabilitación energética” from the programme Interreg SUDOE (Project identification number SOE1/P3/E0294) of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

One of the pilot actions planned will be developed by NASUVINSA, specifically the implementation of a facility for the generation of energy, fueled by biomass that will supply 51 dwellings ( 5650 sqm build-up area) located in two buildings in 22-24, Reino de Navarra avenue, Sarriguren, both property of NASUVINSA and intended to rental social housing.

Both dwellings share a boiler room in the basement. There are located both existing boilers fueled by natural gaz (2 x 350 kW) for heating and hot sanitary water.

Boiler room is renovated for the implementation of an storage room (62 m3) and replacement of boilers by a new one fueled by biomass (300 kW) that will work as the master boiler and maintaining other existing two as punctual support for demand peaks or maintenance works of the facility.

An analysis and technical-financial study of the type of chip and boiler for the urban residential area is done. Chip characteristics (granulometry, humidity, fly ash…) and different type of boiler for their implementation are studied. The engineering project studies with special interest the aspects related to protection against fire and storage room security together with general aspects of the boiler room as protection against noise and vibrations. In addition, additional measures as monitoring and control are implemented.

Regarding to chip supply, collaboration options between public companies of the region are studied.

Thus, this Project is the base of the biomass facilities that will be implemented in all the buildings of the ‘Navarra Social Housing’ plan. These 524 dwellings (that will be Nearly Zero Energy Buildings) will be supplied by biomass chips.

Agentes involucrados

Agents impliqués

Agentes envolvidos

NASUVINSA – Navarra de Suelo y Vivienda, S.A.

Evaluación de resultados

y lecciones aprendidas

Évaluation des résultats

et les leçons apprises

Avaliação de resultados

e lições aprendidas

The Project is currently ongoing, following results are previewed:

  • Annual energy savings of around €8 000 are expected, 40% of energy savings.
  • 194 tones CO2 emissions reduction is calculated.
  • Buildings will pass in their Energy Efficiency Certification from letter F to A with the new facility.

In the previous studies is noted that an adequate facility implementation with the appropriate solution in this kind of urban areas together with the control and guarantee of different aspects as they are:

  • System selection that brings security and guarantee and the importance of the correct implementation in order to avoid problems in the future.
  • Chip quality importance for the performance of the facility.
  • Good maintenance of the facility.





Solución a los retos territoriales

Solution aux défis territoriaux

Solução para os desafios territoriais

It is pretended that the Project will bring confidence to the citizenship and it will foster the biomass demand in residential urban areas. It is expected a multiplying effect of this type of facilities in the region. This increase of demand will produce employment increase in the sector and its valorization.

Solución a un mayor nº de retos territoriales (a completar más adelante)

Solution à un plus grand nombre de défis territoriaux (à compléter plus tard)

Solução para um maior número de desafios territoriais (a ser completado depois)

Información de contacto

Information de contact

Informação de contato

Maitane Zazu

Architect NASUVINSA – In charge of REHABILITE Project in Navarra


Wood Chips Galicia

Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique /

Boa Prática




Wood Chips Galicia




Sigüero, province of La Coruña

Tipología – Naturaleza

Typologie – Nature

Tipologia – Natureza

Logisitics Center

Periodo de aplicación

Période d’application

Período de aplicação

Start up 2014

Investment of €M 1,8M€, JESSICA-F.I.D.A.E. Fund financing, co-financed by ERDF funds and IDAE

Principales objetivos

Principaux objectifs

Período de aplicação

A través de la empresa WOOD CHIPS GALICIA S.L.U. el Grupo García Forestal tiene capacidad para suministrar astilla de madera de alta calidad para fines energéticos. La astilla obtenida de los diferentes aprovechamientos forestales que se llevan a cabo en la región, es sometida a un proceso de cribado, refinado y secado, con el objetivo de alcanzar una cualidades óptimas para su empleo como biocombustible.

Generar mayor valor añadido a la madera, a través de su aprovechamiento energético como biomasa para generación térmica.

Through the company WOOD CHIPS GALICIA S.L.U. the García Forestal Group has the capacity to supply high quality wood chips for energy purposes. The woodchip obtained from the different forest exploitations that are carried out in the region, is subjected to a screening, refining and drying process, with the objective of achieving optimum qualities for its use as a biofuel.

Generate greater added value to wood, through its energy use as biomass for thermal generation.

Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto

Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet

Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto

The plant located in Sigüeiro (Concello de Oroso), which has a forced drying system to reduce the humidity of the splinter, has a production capacity of 40,000 tons / year of woodchip at 25% humidity.

From this plant, woodchip is supplied for all of Galicia, both in the residential sector and in the industrial sector, making the distribution through mobile-type trucks of various capacities (from 45 to 90 m3) for gravity unloading or through a truck equipped with pneumatic unloading system, for filling silos in which gravity discharge is possible.

Greenalia Woodchips prepares the woodchip according to the specifications of ISO 172254-4, has a production capacity of 35,000 t / year of woodchip quality A1, with a humidity below 25%. The splinter obtained from forest exploitation in Galicia is subjected to a screening, refining and drying process, with the objective of achieving optimum qualities for its use as a biofuel in thermal energy generation processes, whether residential or industrial.

From the plant located in Sigüeiro, where wood chips are prepared and dried for energy purposes, woodchip is supplied for all of Galicia. The distribution is carried out through mobile floor type trucks of various capacities (from 45 to 90 m³) for direct unloading to the silo, or through a truck equipped with pneumatic unloading system, for filling silos in which no gravity discharge is possible.

Agentes involucrados

Agents impliqués

Agentes envolvidos


Evaluación de resultados

y lecciones aprendidas

Évaluation des résultats

et les leçons apprises

Avaliação de resultados

e lições aprendidas

May 2018 obtained the BIOMASUD solid biofuel certification for quality chips, managed in Spain by the Spanish Biomass Energy Valuation Association, AVEBIOM. The objective of this label, which also recognizes sustainability, is to guarantee the quality of biomass for domestic use in the Mediterranean region according to international (woodchip, ISO 17225-4), national (bone, UNE 164003; and nutshells, UNE 164004).




Resultado de imagen de Wood Chips Galicia

Solución a los retos territoriales

Solution aux défis territoriaux

Solução para os desafios territoriais

  • Logistics Center
  • Production
  • Certification

Solución a un mayor nº de retos territoriales (a completar más adelante)

Solution à un plus grand nombre de défis territoriaux (à compléter plus tard)

Solução para um maior número de desafios territoriais (a ser completado depois)

Información de contacto

Information de contact

Informação de contato


Greenalia S.A.

Plaza de María Pita Nº10 1º (15001) A Coruña. España.

T. 902 905 910

Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique /

Boa Prática








Villadiego is located in the province of Burgos.

Tipología – Naturaleza

Typologie – Nature

Tipologia – Natureza

Forest management, logistics center, boiler use and commercialization.

Periodo de aplicación

Période d’application

Período de aplicação


Principales objetivos

Principaux objectifs

Período de aplicação

• Use of renewable energy

• Employment creation

• Compliance with European Objectives 2020: Reduction of energy consumption of 20% and greenhouse gases 20-30%.

• Forest use

Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto

Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet

Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto

Change of municipal diesel boiler for one of biomass, of 1000 KW, which heats a 20,000 liter water tank. It feeds on oak, poplar or any species of the environment woodchips. FORESA is responsible for installation, financing, operation and maintenance of the heat network.

Agentes involucrados

Agents impliqués

Agentes envolvidos

FORESA (Install, finance, operate and maintain the heat network).

At present BEOLIA

Villadiego Municipality

Agencia Provincial de la Energía de Burgos (AGENBUR)

Evaluación de resultados

y lecciones aprendidas

Évaluation des résultats

et les leçons apprises

Avaliação de resultados

e lições aprendidas

FORESA was commissioned at the beginning of the project but BEOLIA took over since December 2017 after the purchase of the facilities. They work with public and private companies. Within the BEOLIA group, there is ENERBOSQUE, which is responsible for forest management and provision of the Villadiego facilities.

• Savings of 25-30% of the economic budget for diesel use.

• Good use of boilers

• Certification

• 10-12 year contract for energy supply

Invoices are made for energy consumed to the town hall. All this related to the humidity and the calorific value of the use of woodchips.

Unhappy with SOMACYL because it covers too much and covers potential market niches for private companies.




Imagen de la visita

Solución a los retos territoriales

Solution aux défis territoriaux

Solução para os desafios territoriais

• Logic and provisioning

• Design

• Projects management

Solución a un mayor nº de retos territoriales (a completar más adelante)

Solution à un plus grand nombre de défis territoriaux (à compléter plus tard)

Solução para um maior número de desafios territoriais (a ser completado depois)

Información de contacto

Information de contact

Informação de contato

Ricardo Gerente Villadiego BEOLIA


Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique /

Boa Prática








Okina, belonging to the municipality of Bernedo and Sabando, to the municipality of Arraia-Maeztu, both in the province of Alava, Euskadi.

Tipología – Naturaleza

Typologie – Nature

Tipologia – Natureza

Okina has a great forest wealth consisting mainly of beech.

The town of Sabando with 89 inhabitants, is located in a hidden valley, surrounded by mountains, beech and oak forests and rocks and divided by a river.

Periodo de aplicación

Période d’application

Período de aplicação

2010-2014 OKINA

The budget for the execution of the Okina phase amounts to a total of € 320,000.00. (VAT included) and for this purpose, the Basque Government’s Rural Development and Environmental Development program financed € 259,921.04. Taking into account that these grants arrive once the project has been executed and paid, the owner of the work has to previously disburse the total amount thereof.

2011-2015 KNOWING

The budget for the entire bioenergy part, including the distribution network is € 582,128.00. And the same as in Okina, there is funding from the Basque Government of € 456,359.43. It should be remembered that these grants arrive once the project has been executed and paid, so the owner of the work has to previously disburse the total amount thereof.

Principales objetivos

Principaux objectifs

Período de aplicação


• Use of local biomass

• Reactivation of the rural environment

• Generation of local employment

• Reduction of carbon dioxide emission


For disposal of to the wood generated from the cleaning of the forests of the municipality, it was decided to build a biomass plant that would provide heating and hot water to the 20 buildings of the town.


Supply of sanitary hot water and heating through micro heat networks in the municipality, to take advantage of the biomass existing in the surroundings of the municipality, optimizing the performance of these common systems with respect to the individual ones, generating local work and cleaning the mountain, with what this implies in fire prevention.

Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto

Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet

Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto



Given the pressure on the start of the works, it is decided to execute the project in two phases. The first phase consists of introducing the district-heating necessary for the conduction of hot water to the buildings, taking advantage of the opening of trenches planned for the renovation of the basic services described. This is already done with the necessary tests for possible leaks before paving.


And this second phase, consisted of:

1. The construction of boiler room.

2. Acquisition and assembly of heat production boilers together with the accumulator elements, safety and control valves and the agitation system. These boilers will be fed with woodchips that will come from the annual management of the forest, which is mostly beech forest.

3. Acquisition and assembly of exchangers, measuring elements and connections with individual installations.

Heat production: 2,500 kWh / month for public buildings and 30 single-family homes. Wood chips obtained from forest resources in the area for the biomass boiler.

In Okina remote heating is provided to all inhabitants in an environmentally friendly way through a 500 m pipe network.

It stands out for being the first town in which a distribution network is installed that reaches all its buildings, both public and private.



In 2013 the installation and burial of networks was undertaken and the appropriate tests were carried out before paving.

Heat production of 3,500 kWh / month fed through a network of 1,500 meter pipes to individuals.

Agentes involucrados

Agents impliqués

Agentes envolvidos

  • Okina Municipality
  • Basque Government

Evaluación de resultados

y lecciones aprendidas

Évaluation des résultats

et les leçons apprises

Avaliação de resultados

e lições aprendidas

1. Conservation and improvement of forest heritage, since the management of the forest for its use as a raw material will allow the forests to be kept clean, avoiding fire hazards.

2. Generate economic activities in the rural environment.

3. Economy with respect to current fuel prices.

4. Improvement of air quality.




Resultado de imagen de sabando biomasa

Solución a los retos territoriales

Solution aux défis territoriaux

Solução para os desafios territoriais

• Short circuit

• Use of local biomass

• Reactivation of the rural environment

• Generation of local employment

• Reduction of carbon dioxide emission

Solución a un mayor nº de retos territoriales (a completar más adelante)

Solution à un plus grand nombre de défis territoriaux (à compléter plus tard)

Solução para um maior número de desafios territoriais (a ser completado depois)

Información de contacto

Information de contact

Informação de contato


Iñaki Generabarrena



Arkaute s/n, 01192 Arkaute (Araba)



Oscar Martínez

Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).