Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique /

Boa Prática








Polígono Industrial La Torrecilla. Avenida de la Torrecilla nº 16, planta 2, oficina 11, CP 14013 – Córdoba

Tipología – Naturaleza

Typologie – Nature

Tipologia – Natureza

Exploitation of forest biomass

Periodo de aplicación

Période d’application

Período de aplicação


Principales objetivos

Principaux objectifs

Período de aplicação

Actions diversification in the forestry sector as the objective of guaranteeing the stability over time of the company.

  • Its activities long-term projection with a sustained growth since its creation.
  • Specialization of the service provided, offering a guarantee in a still Immature sector, quality against quantity.

Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto

Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet

Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto

GESTIÓN DE BIOMASAS has long-term supply contracts with the main existing electricity production plants in Andalusia, in addition to other business lines developed in the forestry field.

Pine log is also supplied from our forest uses to solid biofuel processing plants to obtain quality wood pellet and wood chips.

In addition, within the business line of forest and agricultural farm management, the Ingecor Agroforestry matrix provides advisory and consulting services to companies, individuals and institutions in Technical Management Plans, implementation of environmental policies, etc.

The works that are carried out in the forest farms vary depending on whether there is a logging of their trees or not.

– Timber exploitation: In the forests on which a timber exploitation of its forest masses is made, the forest biomass that is obtained would be mainly composed of what is known as forest residues. These forest residues are formed by the branches and the tops resulting from the work of cutting and preparation of the wood, and by the feet and logs not considered as timber.

– Non-timber harvesting: These are farms where the forest masses have a protective objective, that is, in which the growth conditions of the main species that form them are very limited. These are regions where rainfall plays a fundamental role because it is scarce for many months of the year. This is coupled with the orography of the land, which economically and technically hinders the processes of extracting these resources. Therefore, the forest biomass that is obtained from this type of mass is formed by the woodland that is extracted from the maintenance works of the same and from the clearings that are carried out on the protective masses by the works of prevention of forest fires or to achieve lower densities in masses directed by different Forest Management Plans.

Chipping of the raw material in the mount itself with the possibility of direct loading to final transport.

In this case, the production machinery moves to the place of stacking of the raw material, because due to the good conditions of the farm roads or its proximity to paved roads, transport trucks carrying the material can access to the plants These trucks are generally of mobile floor type, with a load capacity of 20 to 25 tons. Tub trucks with a transport capacity of 15 tons can also be used.

The production process consists of feeding through a rotating chain / wheel machine, chipping the material with the crusher and depositing the material directly on the transport that, once filled, takes the material produced directly to the final consumer.


Currently, the company GESTIÓN DE BIOMASAS is certified in the standards of the Quality Management Systems UNE EN ISO 9.001 and Environmental Management UNE EN ISO 14.001, as a commitment that our services and processes are always customer oriented.

In order to guarantee the fulfillment of this task, INGECOR AGROFORESTAL has developed a quality and environmental policy that establishes the following principles:

– Increase profitability in a sustained manner.

– Improve efficiency in processes and activities respecting resources in a sustainable way.

– Continuously increase the satisfaction of our customers.

Agentes involucrados

Agents impliqués

Agentes envolvidos

Evaluación de resultados

y lecciones aprendidas

Évaluation des résultats

et les leçons apprises

Avaliação de resultados

e lições aprendidas






Solución a los retos territoriales

Solution aux défis territoriaux

Solução para os desafios territoriais

Solución a un mayor nº de retos territoriales (a completar más adelante)

Solution à un plus grand nombre de défis territoriaux (à compléter plus tard)

Solução para um maior número de desafios territoriais (a ser completado depois)

Información de contacto

Information de contact

Informação de contato


Polígono Industrial La Torrecilla, Av. de la Torrecilla, 16, 14013 Córdoba

957 48 34 52



Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).