Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique /

Boa Prática




Grouped biomass Forest management and energy use from the Cerdanya Region




17 municipalities in Cerdanya, which is a territory of Catalonia located in the Pyrenean part.

Tipología – Naturaleza

Typologie – Nature

Tipologia – Natureza

Forest management, logistics center, use for boilers and commercialization.

Periodo de aplicación

Période d’application

Período de aplicação


Principales objetivos

Principaux objectifs

Período de aplicação

• Strengthen forest management

• Make the current operation more efficient, combining actions

• Generate more socio-economic activity for the region

• Join efforts of the institutions that will invested in the project

• Consolidation of the technical and functional structure

• Ensure the management and future improvement of the forests of Cerdanya

• Marketing of wood and / or biomass together

• Joint services hiring

Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto

Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet

Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto

A biomass availability study was carried out throughout the territory, making it for each municipality (m3). An analysis of the thermal demand of each municipality (Kwh) was carried out. Analysis of self-supply and sale of heat to other consumers. The project was analyzed from three types of scenarios and the jobs they could create were studied. Boilers installed since 2006: 30 units, with a total power of 3.7 MW.


Agentes involucrados

Agents impliqués

Agentes envolvidos

Town halls, hotels, campsites, buildings of the Generalitat a Puigcerdá

Evaluación de resultados

y lecciones aprendidas

Évaluation des résultats

et les leçons apprises

Avaliação de resultados

e lições aprendidas

A first phase was carried out changing the diesel boilers of municipal buildings. They started with about 5 boilers and gradually increased until they reached about 30 boilers distributed throughout the region. Then there was a second phase in which hotels and campsites began to participate as well, reaching 44 boilers today. The boilers used are from 500 Kw with a value of € 250,000, to boilers of 70 Kw. 3,000 tons per year are what they need to supply boiler consumption. The hotels get to amortize the boilers in 3 years.

The works are carried out by municipal brigades or external companies. A chipper is rented for a short period. Each town has a warehouse of about 1000-2000 m2 to store the wood chips. The current idea would be the construction of one or two logistics centers to minimize costs. However, they are in full political debate and have trouble getting the project through.

They have no certification and for now they are not interested because it costs more.

Generally the change of boilers is not usually subsidized, but sometimes they have received aid from the Energy and Forestry Institute of Catalonia and the Gerenalitat.

On marketing, the city council directly supplies the hotels. In total 5 hotels. There is no legal instrument for the sale of the wood chips.

In the case of having a surplus, it is planned to make a sale to villages in France or Andorra.




Solución a los retos territoriales

Solution aux défis territoriaux

Solução para os desafios territoriais

• Local project planning

• Economic project management

• Grouping of municipalities for the same purposes.

Solución a un mayor nº de retos territoriales (a completar más adelante)

Solution à un plus grand nombre de défis territoriaux (à compléter plus tard)

Solução para um maior número de desafios territoriais (a ser completado depois)

Información de contacto

Information de contact

Informação de contato

Francesc Cano Ibañez

Cerdanya Environment Technician

Tlf: 627 481 381

Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).