Buena Práctica / Bonne Pratique /

Boa Prática




Promote biomass actions in closed management processes on a local scale in the region of Berguedà (Catalonia)




Berguedà, Barcelona

Tipología – Naturaleza

Typologie – Nature

Tipologia – Natureza

Periodo de aplicación

Période d’application

Período de aplicação

Winter 2016/2017 – Ongoing

Principales objetivos

Principaux objectifs

Período de aplicação

The project is pioneering in three essential axes:

– The global management of resources, controlling all the processes, from the planning of the works to the arrival of the wood at its destination.

– Optimization of resources obtained through classification

– Creation of a powerful local biomass consumption project that becomes a “third industry” closely linked to the forest management project.

It is important to demonstrate that collaboration between owners (public or private entities) can generate projects that encourage the evolution of the forest sector towards better situations.

Descripción detallada de la práctica o proyecto

Description détaillée de la pratique ou du projet

Descrição detalhada da prática ou projeto

Berguedà is one of the most forested regions in Catalonia, and energy from biomass is projected as one of the opportunities for this region in the future. On the one hand, by the economic benefits that can result from the use of this energy and, on the other hand, by the management of the forests that must accompany this development.

The project, a pioneer in Spain, provides energy to 32 municipal facilities through 13 biomass boilers (with a power of 4.3 MW and a consumption of 1,350 t/year of chips) in 6 municipalities, and to an industrial estate in Berga through two boilers of 2.3 MW each (3.750 t/year of total consumption of chips with only 1 boiler in operation), which heat a synthetic oil capable of reaching 300ºC to supply energy through two networks, one with a high temperature (thermal oil) and the other with hot water.

Thermal oil, hot water and steam will be the services that companies will enjoy integrated into the new network. This versatility is possible through the use of high temperature thermal oil and several heat exchangers that will serve each of the customers. Due to the use of this thermal oil, an important range of supply of temperatures to the industrial estate with exclusively forest biomass is opened, which confers an enormous singularity to this small industrial estate.

The chips used as biofuel in all the facilities come from a consortium formed by 7 municipalities of Berguedà (16,000 hectares of public forest), which in this way will increase the value of its forest resources and create local jobs. In addition, the consortium will directly manage the energy supply network to its customers. Thus, a local virtuous circle of resources and demand is closed; a true renewable energy mile project.

The wood is not auctioned to the highest bidder as is normally done, but is classified in the forest and the target industry of each lot of wood is decided before use to optimize the economic yield of forest resources. Harvesting operations are paid according to the type of wood in order to motivate productivity and ability to obtain value-added types of wood. For the use of biomass, in accordance with the cascade principle, only wood is used that cannot have any other commercial use.

The new activity generates 40 direct jobs; and the total budget, excluding construction costs, was 1,315,000€.

The Barcelona Provincial Council has made a contribution of 1.5 million euros to the project through a grant. The Government of Catalonia has collaborated in different work processes.

Agentes involucrados

Agents impliqués

Agentes envolvidos

Commonwealth of Berga Municipalities for biomass

Government of Catalonia

Evaluación de resultados

y lecciones aprendidas

Évaluation des résultats

et les leçons apprises

Avaliação de resultados

e lições aprendidas

Currently the work is continuous in the forest, whereas previously it was seasonal. A more professional system of work has been achieved in the forest, with better execution. Around 400 ha and 12,000 tons of wood per year are executed, and the quality and quantity of wood supplied to the industries has been improved.

It has been possible to establish an average of 40 jobs in rural areas with few possibilities of generating jobs in the primary sectors.

An innovative and replicable system has been achieved.

Facing a new system of work in the forest and the creation of a complete infrastructure of biomass consumption to produce a product with a dubious market, has generated great distrust for all sectors (including local). In addition, it has been generated by small local entities in a mountainous territory without many economic resources.




Solución a los retos territoriales

Solution aux défis territoriaux

Solução para os desafios territoriais

Solución a un mayor nº de retos territoriales (a completar más adelante)

Solution à un plus grand nombre de défis territoriaux (à compléter plus tard)

Solução para um maior número de desafios territoriais (a ser completado depois)

Información de contacto

Information de contact

Informação de contato

Miguel Ángel Sobrino



Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).